ALDA Chicago

Helpful links for people with hearing loss 

General All-encompassing Resource List maintained by Tina Childress

Tina's Resource List (3 pages; last updated 9/8/2024)


Communicating with the Deaf/Hard-of-hearing (2-page summary explaining various communication methods used by those with hearing loss)

Create Your Own Personal Communication Card (to tell anyone of your communication needs and how to obtain services like interpreters, CART, etc.)

Law Enforcement Placard (to assist in communicating your needs to law enforcement officials)

Auditory Rehabilitation (Improve Listening & Speaking)
HearSayLW (aka Listen with Lynn; offers online tools to improve listening and/or speaking skills)

Tips to Optimize Appointments with Your Audiologist

Lip Reading (Speech Reading)
"I See What You Say" (DVD course)
"Read My Lips" (videotape course)
"How to Lip-Read" (WikiHow article)
Lipreader 4 (teaching software)
"Seeing and Hearing Speech" CD-ROM course

Sign Language
ASL Browser (Michigan State University online dictionary of ASL signs, with videos)
ASL beginning and basic signs (online videos)
American Manual Alphabet (finger-spelling) entry from Wikipedia
Signing Exact English explanation from
SEE Center on Signing Exact English
ListenUp Web explanations of ASL, SEE and PSE
PSE explanation from

CART (Communication Access Realtime Translation) captioning in realtime for groups

ACS (Alternative Communication Services; provider)

CaptionFirst (provider)
LMH Certified Reporting (provider)
Efficiency Reporting (provider)
National Court Reporters Association (provider directory)

Hearing Loops
Scientific American article on hearing loops (information on hearing loops for public places and homes) (looped location finder)

Looping Check--Google Maps (step-by-step guide to check a specific venue for looping using Google Maps)

Captioned/Signed Live Theater Performances & Other Accessible Events

League of Chicago Theaters  (calendar of captioned plays in multiple theaters)

Captioning for Movies and TV 
Described and Captioned Media Program of the NAD
National Open Captioning Initiative of the Theatre Development Fund (list of open-captioned stage theater performances nationwide)

Caption This (Bill Graham's blog about captioning issues)

Captionfish (search for captioned movie showings)

Fomdi (search for captioned movie showings)
How Stuff Works article on TV captioning
"How to get closed captioning on TV" eHow article
WGBH TV closed captions site

Area Movie Theaters Offering Weekly/Monthly Open-Captioned Shows

AMC Theaters

   Streets of Woodfield 20, Schaumburg

Classic Cinemas

   Lake Theatre, Oak Park

   Charlestowne 18 Theatre, St Charles

   Elk Grove Theatre, Elk Grove Village

   Lindo Theatre, Freeport

Product Reviews / Buying Guides

Hearing Aid Options (Professionally-fitted vs. Over-the-Counter)

Hearing Amplifiers

Medical Alert Systems for Deaf/HOH

Children and Families
Parent to Parent (HLAA site for parents of children with hearing loss)


Updated 9/13/2024

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