ALDA Chicago
A friend in your neighborhood

ALDA Chicago Neighborhoods is a way for ALDA members to meet with others who live nearby. Once you join ALDA Chicago, you can ask to have your contact information shared with other members in nearby zip codes. That way, neighboring ALDA members can choose to meet, socialize and support each other. 

You must be a member of ALDA Chicago and must send us a written and signed statement granting us permission to give out your contact information to other Chicago members. Without a signed release, we cannot include you. We also ask you to respect the privacy of fellow ALDAns by keeping any personal info that you receive as a member of the neighborhood in confidence and restricting its use to neighborhood members only. 

You can withdraw your name any time by notifying ALDA Chicago. If your ALDA Chicago membership expires, your name will automatically be removed from any list that is subsequently sent to other members.

ALDA Chicago Neighborhoods release form

(please print, fill out, sign and mail)
Yes, I want to join an ALDA Chicago Neighborhood and hereby give ALDA Chicago permission to release my contact information to others in my neighborhood group. I understand that ALDA Chicago cannot guarantee my privacy after my contact info is released within the “neighborhood.” I also agree to do my part in keeping any personal information of neighborhood members in confidence after I received it.



Please print your name:___________________________________________

Send (with membership form and fee, if not already a member) to:
ALDA Chicago Neighborhoods
P.O. Box 102
Lombard, IL 60148

© ALDA Chicago
Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software